It was time to bring all the departments together under one roof in a modern building with state of the art technology and room for growth. The old station was demolished and the new building was erected on the same site.
The new 5,855m2 police station was purpose built for modern-day policing and included a basement car park, two levels of staff offices, meeting rooms, and a public reception area.
The project site location was in a residential area just outside the Tauranga CBD.
The new building occupied the full site which meant that access for cranes and deliveries had to be managed to a pre agreed traffic management plan.
A small amount of land was designated outside the boundary for site set up and laydown area. A service lane at the rear of the building that was adjacent to a redoubt, needed to be closed to all but pedestrian traffic.
The surrounding road ways abutting three boundaries carried a plethora of 11KV and 30KV electrical cables, fibre optics and gas services which were the lifeline of the nearby CBD. Extra care and planning was required to ensure these services were unaffected throughout the construction process.
Hawkins chose to utilise a 120 tonne crane to limit pick up points around the site and facilitate compliance with the agreed traffic management plan. Sheetpiling was used to maintain the integrity of the basement excavation and to ensure that the existing services were not damaged.
This meant that tanking to the basement could not be done with traditional methods and had to be applied in the precast factory before delivery of precast wall elements.
The Hawkins project team overcame the challenges of working in an constrained environment to deliver a successful project.